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Friday, October 14, 2011

Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival (RRFFF) News

Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival (RRFFF) becomes a part of the EFFFF

Bruges, 30 may 2011 - On may the 11th 2011, The Méliès Organization decided to add the Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival( RRFFF) officially to The European Federation of Fantastic Film Festivals (EFFFF)

The EFFFF brings together about 20 film festivals from Europe and some supporting members from Asia & the US. The goal for the EFFFF is to promote European Fantastic Films and its industry.

Razor Reel will have its fourth edition this year and again it will take place in the gothic city center of Bruges! This years edition is from 29th of October till the 5th of November. Razor Reel will organize this fourth edition as an Adherent member of the Federation and will herby be able to bring a better and more extensive program. This also means that in the near future the Festival will be able to expand both in quality and quantity.

All members of the EFFFF are able to organize an European Short film competition. The winner of this competition is nominated with the Méliès d'Argent and will become a part of the Méliès d'Or short film competition in 2012. Razor Reel has decided to organize such a competition during the fourth edition of the Razor Reel Fantastic film Festival. It is the goal of Razor Reel to support debuting European talent and to promote high standard quality short films that are often neglected by the audience.

Every European short film director is able to compete for this prestigious Razor Reel Méliès d' Argent Award. Submissions are accepted until July the 31st, 2011 for European Fantastic short with a maximum of 15 minutes. Submissions can be send to RRFFF- Silver Méliès - St-Arnolduslaan 47, 8200 Bruges, Belgium

More Info?

For more info on the Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival or the Short film competition please contact : Patrick Van Hauwaert.

St-Arnolduslaan 47, 8200 Bruges, Belgium

E-mail: info@rrfff.be

Cell: 0032 497/ 53.23.14

Or on www.RRFFF.be